National Grid have reported an electrical issue that has the potential to affect the centre of Chard.
In order to protect the supply in the lead up to and over Christmas they need to urgently undertake repair work. Initially this will involve some excavation in the footway of the High Street opposite Boden Street to check the condition of the cable.
A road closure of Boden Street to create a safe working area may also be required this side of Christmas to allow the replacement of a transformer. To mitigate the impact on businesses National Grid would look to undertake the closure on a Sunday morning to minimise any disruption.
Works on the High Street do need to start immediately. Wales and West Utilities are currently undertaking a gas connection on the High Street in the vicinity of Holyrood Street, but believe the National Grid works will not required traffic signals so the impact should be minimised.
Chard Town Council will report further on this matter as soon as information is received from relevant authorities.