CHARD Town Council will be hosting its Annual Town Meeting next month to give electors the opportunity to have their say on anything they consider important to the residents.
During the meeting, the council will explain what it has been doing over the last year.
The Mayor, Cllr Jenny Kenton, will read the Chard Town Council Annual Report and there will be a police report and update.
Mayor Cllr Kenton said: “At the end of this Council year we will be giving out civic awards to local people who have served our community recently as well as handing out the cheques to the Mayor’s charities, Ferne Animal Sanctuary, Chard Young People’s Centre and the Watch Project. Please come along and support these award winners and groups.”
Any registered elector may ask questions of the council, which will usually be answered by the Mayor, the town clerk, or a designated Councillor.
An elector may also make suggestions and comment on anything pertinent to the people of Chard. This is very much welcomed and is the whole purpose of the meeting.
As always at the Annual Parish Meeting, we will be honoured to give out the Outstanding Citizen’s Awards to local residents of Chard who have contributed to the town in some outstanding way.